I was driving home from taking my daughter to school on a VERY snowy day. I happened to see a car, going the opposite direction as me, having a difficult time driving up the residential hill.
Turn around and ask if they need help, a thought came to me.
What? What am I going to do? I countered back to myself. I know nothing about cars and I have no means of towing them up the hill.
Turn around and ask if they need help, the thought came again.
Oh, please no. I am still in my pajamas!
Just ask them.
I slowed my car to a stop and checked my rear-view mirror to see the car continue its futile efforts through the snow. I was certainly WILLING to help them, but I still didn't know what I could do. And then I thought, maybe they need a phone? I could lend them that.
So I obeyed the spiritual prompting I had received, turned my car around until I reached the struggling vehicle; I rolled down my window and asked the young couple if they needed help. The young woman asked if I would help push their car. "Of course," I replied.
I jumped out of my own car, pretending not to care that these strangers were seeing me in my blue-striped pajamas and helped the tiny woman push the car as the young man did his best to drive it. But, the wheels kept spinning and spinning and our progress up the hill was slow.

The young man hopped out of the car, telling us he didn't want us to have to push any longer. I suggested to the woman that she drive so the young man could help push the car. Shamefaced, she told me she didn't know how. So then I offered to drive to which they both agreed. With me driving and the extra muscle in the back we made it up that massive hill within two minutes! Hooray!
When the Holy Spirit whispered to me to help this couple I had no idea how I could, but the Lord knew. I just needed to TRUST Him. And I am so glad I did! In the end I felt I was the one being blessed.
-Your friend, a Christian blogger, Hope