Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Grateful in Any Circumstance

Wouldn't it be incredible to live back in the day when the Apostle, Paul testified of the Savior, Jesus Christ? What would it be like to actually HEAR a testimony of an Apostle of the Lord and FEEL of the power that comes with hearing it?
            Well, I can tell you! It's wonderful! It's amazing! It feels my heart with joy! And I am not just talking about reading the Bible, we (and yes, that means all of us) have LIVING PROPHETS to guide us today! As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we have a General Conference twice a year where we can hear and see living prophets and apostles teach us the word of God! Our Father in Heaven knows that we need guidance today just as much as the people in Jerusalem, listening to Paul, did. He loves us just as much. Isn't that wonderful? What a huge blessing it is to have living prophets!
            One particular talk (sermon) that spoke to me quite sharply was one give by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. He spoke of gratitude—not just being grateful FOR things, but having a grateful DISPOSITION.
            Perhaps some of you can relate to this: Sometimes, I feel my life is so hard that it is difficult for me to have a grateful heart. It's true that I am always still grateful FOR a lot of things, but without a grateful disposition, it doesn't do me much good.
            An Apostle of the Lord (who speaks the word of God!) tells us that even in the midst of trials we can be grateful to God. We can realize that He is OVER ALL. We can have faith that HE KNOWS whatever trial it is we are going through. He knows it can be for our good, even if it doesn't seem like it and even if we can't see or understand why. HE UNDERSTANDS why. He knows how we are feeling. This means He knows ME. He knows what can help me become stronger, more courageous, more compassionate, or more of something else I need in my life. This also means He knows what YOU need too! 
            I am still trying to learn this lesson. I pray the Lord will be patient as I learn. And guess what? He is! Just like He will be with you!

Here are the tender words spoken by the Apostle himself:

~Your friend, Hope, a Christian blogger